Bridge Pose| Steps to Perform Setu Bandha Sarvangasana | Know Its Benefits

Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is a beginners’ versatile backbend pose that can be practiced in many ways. It stretches the thighs and opens up the backbend. The asana when finished forms the pose like the structure of a bridge. It not only resembles in bridge shape but also, connects your practice in other postures too, namely – supported shoulder stand and upward bow pose. If you are also looking for the yoga posture to get rid of your back pain or stiffness in thighs, bridge pose can actually do wonders, here’s how you can perform bridge pose.

Steps to Perform Bridge Pose

Steps to Perform Bridge Pose

Image Source = “agoramedia”

1. To start with the pose, lie on your back with arms resting next to the body and palms facing down towards the mat.

2. Next, bend your knees while keeping heels close to the buttocks and hip slightly apart.

3. Keep your feet parallel to each other and press the arms and feet into the floor, slowly lift your hips up off the floor.

4. Make sure that you keep lower back extended and knees above the ankles.

5. Try to keep hips off as much as you can with balance, clasp your hands behind the back and shoulder blades down along the spine.

6. Hold the pose for 5-10 deep breaths.

7. Release the arms and lower the hips down to come back to the original posture.

Benefits of Doing Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Practicing Bridge Pose improves the mood and calms the mind.

It also stimulates the nervous system and endocrine glands.

The pose tones the upper back muscles and also opens the chest and shoulders.

Bridge pose also improves digestion and strengthens glutes, upper back, and legs.

Contradictions and Cautions

Avoid performing the pose if you are having neck issues, shoulder injuries or lower back sensitivity. If you are a beginner, do not perform the pose without the guidance of yoga expert.

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