Yoga for Asthma: Get Control over Asthma
When you want to play football, kabaddi or any other jumping games, but can’t. What is pulls you back? Is it the terror of another asthma attack? This fear stops you to play your favorite games or enjoy your life.
You have tried abundant things to deal with asthma better. But have you ever thought about one of the simplest and effective solution out there- Yoga for Asthma?
The ancient practice of yoga is really one of the best solutions to your breathing problems. The regular practice of Yoga for Asthma helps lessen the effects of asthma and even may help heal it permanently.
Some breathing techniques and yoga poses to help you protest asthma more effectively. These are:
Sukasana (Easy Pose or Decent Pose)
How to do:
- Sit on the ground with feet extended out. Always utilize a yoga mat while sitting on the ground.
- Twist the left foot and pull it inside the right thigh.
- Then twist the right foot and draw it inside the left thigh.
- Put the hands on the knees. Chin mudra can be utilized if you are doing this pose for meditation.
- Sit straight with spine erect.
- Calm your whole body and breathe gently.
- Stay in this pose for as long you feel comfortable.
Nadi Shodhan Pranayam (Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique)
Start with this pranayam yoga to relax your mind and relieve the body stress. This breathing technique has a curative effect on many circulatory and respiratory problems.
How to do:
- Sit vertical and focus on your breathing for a few minutes.
- Raise the right hand, put the index finger and middle finger at the centre of eyebrow and close the right nostril with the help of your thumb.
- Inhale through the left nostril 20 times- the breath is somewhat deeper than normal and aimed at the abdomen.
- Now open the right nostril and close the left nostril with the usage of your ring finger.
- Breathe via the right nostril 20 times- the breath is somewhat deeper than normal breathing and into the abdomen.
- Return your hand to the knee and notice the usual flow of the breath.
Kapalbhati Pranayam (Skull Shining Breathing)
This technique calms the mind and rejuvenates the nervous system. It also clears all the energy channels or nadis and stimulates blood circulation.
How to do:
- Sit erect with your legs crossed.
- Take a deep breathe and breathe out very rapidly, making a puffing sound when you exhale. Concentrate on exhaling forcefully and not on the breathing in.
- When you breathe out, pull your abdominal muscles inward at the same time. Your abdomen should go up when you breathe in and wrinkle when you breathe out.
- Do for 10 breaths and then rest. Complete two more sets similarly.
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Padahastasana (Forward Bend)
Forward bend presses your internal organs that improves digestion and cleans phlegm or mucous from the lungs also. It calms your brain and central nervous system.
How to do:
- Stand with your legs together. Twist your knees a little and fold up your torso over your feet.
- Place your hands beside your legs or on the floor in front of you.
- Breathing in and stretch your chest to extend your spine and look directly forward.
- Experience the spine stretching in opposite directions as you draw the head down and press the hips up.
- Take breaths and stay for 4-5 breaths, dynamically compressing the belly into the thighs during inhalation.
Badhakonasana (Butterfly)
This is the best Yoga for Asthma since it improves and stimulates the blood circulation, relieves exhaustion and has healing effect on Asthma.
How to do:
- Sit in a Padma Asana or Lotus Pose.
- Now make the position with your legs so that the soles of your feet may touch each other. Your knees must be bent.
- Try to draw your heels inwards.
- Hold your feet with your hands and sit as straight as possible.
- Breathe in and keep a hand on each knee.
- Breathe out and press on your thighs until your knees touch the ground. (Don’t do forcefully).
- Breathe in and allow the knees to return up again.
- Breathe out and repeat this process 15-20 times.
- You may increase the speed of lowering and rising of the thighs to rest the muscles. The flapping movement is what gives this asana the name-Butterfly Pose.
Yoga asana with its gentle stretches and postures help an individual’s body get strength and flexibility. Yoga for Asthma helps in controlling breathing and helps an individual to keep calm during an Asthma attack. The relaxation facets in yoga help in relaxing the nerves. So the practice of these yoga poses help to fight against the stress, decrease physical strain and muscle tightness.