Yoga for Men: A Unique and Perfect Way to Get Six Packs
Mastering these yoga poses will help you stretch and strengthen your muscles, prevent workout injuries and improve your posture. So what are you waiting for? Get ready for serious challenges on and off the yoga mat.
Yoga is not only for women, men may benefit even more from certain yoga poses than women, thanks to the tighter and larger muscles, men normally brag about.
If the idea of supporting yourself up in a backbend or turning or bowing is a little too scary, fear not. You can still experience Yoga for Men that open the legs, chest, shoulder and hips and even helps in building muscle all through the body.
Standing Forward Fold
Standing Forward Fold or Uttanasana opens the back of the legs, back and hips. Building this pose even more interesting for non-flexible men is that it is simply modified. If you can’t reach to the ground, place your hands on your thighs, ankles or calves or use blocks to minimize the distance.
In addition to stretch muscles, this pose lowers blood pressure, improves circulation, eases headaches and helps you sleep better. And if you let gravity do its function in this posture and calm your neck and head, you can also decrease the stress you carry in your upper body.
Warrior One
This iconic pose stretches men where they require it most – the shoulders and hips. On the top of the opening these tight areas, Virabhadrasana is a strengthening pose. It makes the muscle of the thighs along with the areas near the thighs more stability and safe for sensitive joints throughout high impact sports.
Stay in this pose for 10-15 breaths.
Chair Pose
Chair pose or Utkatasana may take even the macho man to tears. This pose works on the ankles, quads, shoulders and butt, while also opens the chest and helps you build up greater stability. It is also useful for enhancing flat feet and stimulating the belly organs.
Downward Facing Dog
This is the pose that just makes you say aaaah. Downward facing dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana draws attention to all those tight areas which challenge men – the calves, hamstrings, shoulders, arms, back, hips and more. And while it stretches the body this pose also strengthens the legs and arms.
Perhaps even more crucial for men is what Downward Facing Dog does for the heart. This amazing Yoga for Men supports the heart as it enhances blood circulation, decreases tension and helps control high blood pressure.
Upward Facing Dog
The other dog pose, Urdvha Mukha Svansana can assist to open the chest and make the back and arms stronger. This posture will help anybody who sits behind a wheel or desk for far too many hours daily by opening the abdomen and hip flexors.
Men who enjoy more demanding forms of exercise, Upward Facing Dog is the perfect way to warm up and get the muscles drawn out and blood flowing before expecting the body to go all out.
It also helps anyone struggling with breathing problems.
Boat Pose
Another miraculous strengthening pose, Boat Pose or Navasana will provide you rock hard abs as this also strengthens the spine and hips flexors. This pose is especially beneficial to men for what it does to provoke the prostate gland and even only increase awareness and reduce stress in the pelvic region.
If you’re that kind of guy whose key to the heart is through the stomach, you will enjoy boat posture for its capability to stimulate the digestive system and maintain everything moving smoothly.
Butterfly Pose
It is also called as Baddha Konasana that increases blood flow to the kidneys, pelvis, bladder and prostate and there is no need to tell you what other section of your life can be helped by improved blood flow to the pelvic region.
This butterfly pose is also a better way to draw attention to mula bandha, the root lock that also takes awareness and more energy to the place around the hips.
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Half Pigeon
Tight hips? Half Pigeon will be your greatest friend. This pose is a demanding one, but you can relieve yourself into it when your hips open increasingly. Since it’s a strong way to open the hamstring, gluteus, hip flexors and adductors, this pose can help you take part in physical activities, carrying heavy objects etc.
Once you release the stress in your hips, you will also feel the benefits in your lower back and other places of your body.
Bridge Pose
This is not strange for men to experience tight muscles all through the torso, but this pose can help open the upper body and release the tight muscles. It can make physical activities more challenging.
Practicing this pose will create more space in the chest and create for easier, fuller breathing.
Reclining Hand to Big Toe
Here is another one which may be hard at first, but this pose opens the lower back to obtain energy moving more freely and when it does, it also improves digestion and stimulates the prostate gland.
Women may still outnumber men in yoga, but the tides are varying. An increasing number of men are creating their way to the mat to strengthen, stretch, breathe and open their body parts. If you want to try it but have been slightly scared, try these poses at home until you are comfortable with the thought and see how much Yoga for Men can help every aspect of your life.