4 Effective Yoga Postures to Reset your Heart and Health
If reports are to be believed nearly 600,000 people die every year due to heart diseases. High BP, improper cholesterol level and smoking are the main causes of heart diseases. Eating, living a healthy lifestyle and meditation are the choices to stay away from the heart diseases.
Practicing yoga emphasizes emotions, body balance and allows you to become compatible with both physical and mental health. Yoga postures improve respiratory function and maintain the heart rate. So, here are some best yoga poses to improve your heart and health.
1. Big Toe Pose
Image Source = “yogaasan”
Big Toe Pose or Padangusthasana stretches the hamstrings and calves. It relieves stress and reduces the anxiety. To begin with the pose, stand tall on the yoga mat while placing your hands on hip.
Inhale and then exhale while bending forward to reach your toes. Allow the head and neck to relax down. If you are not comfortable touching your toes slightly bend your knees and then reach to toe. Be in the position for a minute and then come back in the original position.
2. Legs Up The Wall Pose
Image Source = “banyanbotanicals”
Legs Up the Wall Pose or Viparita Karani is an effective pose in improving heart and maintain health. The pose releases back discomfort and reduces anxiety. To start with the pose scoot your tail nearly 4-5 inches away from the wall and roll onto your back. Next, walk your heels through the wall and be comfortable in the relaxed position. Hold the posture for a minute.
3. Bridge Pose
Image Source = “yogajournal”
Bridge Pose or often referred as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana stretches the chest and neck. It relieves stress and stimulates the lungs and thyroid. The pose is beneficial in controlling the high blood pressure, keeping the heart rate normal.
To start the bridge pose, lie on your back; bend your knees with feet on the surface and hip-width apart. Try to bring your feet very close to sitting bones.
Press feet and arms into the floor and lift your hip off the floor. Open the chest and reach the front of your legs and pelvis towards the ceiling. Be in the pose for a minute, repeat.
4. Child Pose
Image Source = “popsugar-assets”
Child Pose or Balasana is great for digestion. It opens up the hips and elongates the lower back. The pose also calms the mind and reminds you that resting is essential for good health. For doing child pose start in a relaxed and comfortable kneeling position.
Drop your bottom to your heels and rest your torso on your thighs. Next, try reaching forward with your hands on the surface. Be in the pose for 50-6 seconds and then come back in the original position.