Yoga for Shoulder Pain: Therapy for Cranky Set of Shoulders
As most job doers know sitting over a desk with keyboard for long hours gives tightness in the hips and legs besides neck, back and shoulder pain. Camping out whole day at a desk molds an unhealthy posture – that follows you even when you leave for the day.Shoulder and back feels down and the neck fall forward.
Doing yoga on a consistent basis welcomes multiple health and therapeutic advantages containing weight loss, enhanced fitness and even pain management. If you bother with chronic shoulder pain, particular Yoga for Shoulder Pain can help relieving your symptoms in a very natural and gentle way. That is too convenient for you to practice at home. . Some Effective Poses of Yoga for Shoulder Pain.
Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-Facing Dog
If you practice only one yoga pose after a long day at job, build it a downward facing dog; a real holistic posture that extends and stretches the parts of the body.
How to do:
For making the pose, just bend down into an inverted āVā shape. With stretched hand in front of you, raise the hips and feet on the ground. Position all the fingers on the ground and point them ahead. Concentrate on your breath as you enjoy the stretch for 30-60 seconds.
This pose helps you in strengthening the muscles of the body. It decreases stress in the shoulders and allows a little more blood flow to get to the brain. If you are bored enough from long hours of typing this pose surely stretches your fingers and wrists as well. .
Tadasana or Mountain Pose
It is one of the easiest poses of Yoga for Shoulder Pain. Counter a long day of cramping the shoulder and back with this powerful chest-opening pose.
How to do:
Make a comfortable standing posture with legs hips-width apart, take your hands upward over your head with palms facing ahead and thumbs hooked like you bend gently back and breathe deeply.
It is a great yoga pose to free up tight chest muscles.
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Matsyasana Pose or Fish Pose
Fish pose is an excellent stress reducer and can also be remedial for anxiety and fatigue.
How to do:
For doing this pose, sit on your hips with feet extended out together in front of you and toes pointed. Take your hands under your hips and twist back to prop yourself up on your forearms. Then raise the chest above the shoulders and fall the head backwards to the floor behind you. Inhale deeply and relax in this pose for about 15-30 seconds.
This Yoga for Shoulder Pain releases tension in the shoulder, neck, head and throat. It also stretches the chest muscles and opens up the lungs.
Uttanasana or Standing Forward Fold
A forward bend gives a restful feeling of release – making this posture curative for tension and anxiety, this variation bend gives a deep shoulder stretch as well.
How to do:
Stand with your legs at hips-width distance and gradually twist ahead from the hips to come into the forward turn. To take the tension off the lower back, twist the knees gradually. Then just try adding an arm tie to stretch the shoulders. Interlock your hands at lower back and extend the arms over your head. Put your hands towards the floor in front of you. People having tight shoulders, clasp a belt between your hands, letting the shoulders to obtain a deep but less intense stretch.
Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose
Bound Angle Pose helps to ease sciatica discomfort and open the hips that can be made worse by sitting for long periods.
How to do:
Sit down erect with the soles of the legs touching and knees spreading open, taking the feet in toward the pelvis and grasping your hands around your feet. Flutter the knees up and down many times such as butterfly wings, then sit still and concentrate the weight of the hips and thighs into the ground, relieving pain in the sciatic nerve.
The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back and runs down both feet. Sciatic nerve pain happen when the nerve gets compressed in some or the other way.
Slow Neck Stretches
For relieving the shoulder and neck discomfort, this pose is ultimate to do
How to do:
In this Yoga for Shoulder Pain, Start with sitting in a cross-legged posture, bend the head to the right and stretch the left arm and hand to the floor until you experience a deep stretch on the left side of the neck. Inhale deeply and keep for a few breath cycles, repeating on the other side. You can try standing in Mountain Pose and extending the neck to one side, slowly pulling with the similar hand.
Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
This pose is an accessible back turn for most people. It extends the spine and opens up the chest.
Lie down on the flat surface with the belly on the floor. ; keep your hands on the floor in front of you and. Press on your hands, raising into a slight backend and pulling the shoulders down. Look upward and avoid taking any stress into the face or jaw.