Categories: Poses

5 Best Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Ankles

Ankles sometimes don’t experience much movement, you actually don’t notice when they are not in the mood. Improving the ankles strength may not good as doing the workout for abs but it is equally important. But rigid ankles can only affect your work and it is necessary to keep them healthy and fine. Majorly, there are only three components to healthy ankles – movement, flexibility, and stability, surprisingly, you can achieve and improve all these components by yoga. Here are some basic and best yoga asanas to strengthen your ankles.

1. Garland Pose

Image Source “yogajournal”

Garland Pose is the best yoga postures that stretch groins, ankles, and back. To begin with the pose, squat with your feet as close as you can. Next, separate your thighs wider than your torso, lean your torso forward and fit it between your thighs.

Now, slowly press your elbows against your knees and bring your palms together in a praying position while resisting the knees into the elbows. Reach your arms forward and swing them out to the sides.

To make it more comfortable you can also press your fingertips to the floor. Be in the pose for a minute, then straighten your knees and come back in the original posture.

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2. Standing on Tiptoes

Image Source = “squarespace”

It improves ankle stability and movement. Standing on tiptoes also strengthens the arches and warms up the feet and ankles. Stand with your feet while toes pointing straight ahead and arms resting by your side. Make sure that you distribute your weight evenly on your feet.

Inhale and come up to the feet, extend your arms above your head, exhale and lower your heels to the ground. Repeat the step at least 15-20 times within your limit.

3. Thunderbolt

Image Source = “amazonaws”

Thunderbolt stretches the ankles, knees, and quads. To start with the pose, sit back on your heels, and rest your hands on your lap. Remember that toes should point straight and your feet don’t roll in or out. Look straight and hold the pose for 3-4 minutes. If you are not a beginner you can also bring your fingertips behind you, slowly lean back and lift your knees off the mat for 3-4 deep breaths.

4. Happy Baby Pose

Image Source = “yogajournal”

Happy Baby Pose target to release tension at the lower back and also stretches the ankles and hamstrings. To start with the happy baby pose, lie on your back and hug your chest and knees together. Bring your ankles out over your knees, and bend your feet and turn the soles of your feet towards the ceiling. Be in the pose for 4-5 deep breaths or long as you can hold.

5. Screaming Toe

Image Source = “squarespace”

Screaming Toe aims at improving the pain tolerance. It also helps in stretching the ankles and toes. Kneel down with your ankles and knees together on a flat surface.

Make sure that when you kneel you keep your heels align over your toes. It’s done, hold the pose for a minute or till you find it relaxing.

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