How To Perform OM Chanting & What Are Its Benefits?

6 years ago

Whether you want a flexible body, healthy and glowing skin, peaceful mind or want to lose weight, yoga is the…

How To Perform Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breathing)? What Are Its Benefits?

Pranayama is a vital part of yoga that directly affects the functioning of our body. The word ‘Pranayama’ promotes regulation…

6 years ago

Padahastasana Or Hand Under Foot Pose: Improve The Functioning of Your Body

No wonder, ‘yoga’ is an effective form of exercise that leads to self-establishment, a harmony of soul, a healthy mind…

6 years ago

10 Incredible Health Benefits Of Power Yoga

Over the decades, there has been a drastic boost in the popularity of Power Yoga. No wonder, power yoga has…

6 years ago

A Step-By-Step Guide To Practice Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-Legged Pigeon Pose) With Benefits

Over the last few decades, there has been an increase in the popularity of yoga. Some people call it an…

6 years ago

Vashistasana (Side Plank Pose): Strengthen And Tone Your Abdominal Muscles

It was about a few years ago, I had a strong relationship with food or rather I would say junk…

6 years ago

Beat Your Stress And Anxiety With Sheetkari Pranayama (Hissing Breath)

In the fast-paced modern lifestyle, stress and anxiety are common experiences for most people. Sometimes, it may seem like there…

6 years ago

These Health Benefits of Viparita Karani (Inverted Lake Pose) Will Transform Your Life

Yoga Is Not About Toning Your Body, It’s An Art To Promote Health & Well-Being! Believe it or not, but…

6 years ago

Everything You Need To Know About Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

The term ‘YOGA’ is an incredible blend of several amazing yoga asanas and Ardha Chandrasana Or Half Moon Pose is…

6 years ago

Learn How To Practice Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand) & Explore Its Perks

The art of practicing yoga poses promotes healthy and peaceful life and Salamba Sirsasana is no exception. The word ‘Salamba…

6 years ago