Categories: Poses

5 Common Poses for Yoga Beginners

Yoga is an ancient practice, but it is playing a key role in the modern years. There have been a number of yoga poses and selecting the best out of it is seriously a daunting task. If you are also a newbie in the yoga there are some common poses which are initially, practiced in the basic form and then improved by the yoga practitioners.

Common Poses for Yoga Beginners

1. Mountain Pose

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Mountain Pose is the basic yoga pose that gives you as a sense of how to put your feet on the ground and feel the earth below you. Stand tall with feet close together on the flat surface. Keeps your shoulders relaxed and put weight evenly spread through arms at side. Next, take a deep breath and raise both your hands above your head with palms facing each other and arms straight.

2. Downward Dog Pose

Image Source = “vinyasayogaacademy”

Downward Dog Pose stretches the entire body. Come onto all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Next walk only few inches forward and spread fingers wide, while pressing your palms onto the surface. Slowly, bring your body into an inverted V shape while slowly pressing shoulders away from ears. Make sure that you stretch your legs and hands and form a V like shape. Hold the position for at least 3 breaths.

3. Warrior 2 Pose

Image Source = “yogajournal”

Warrior 2 pose when practiced regularly, opens up the inner thighs and groin. Stand straight on the mat with legs at least 3-4 feet apart. Now turn your right leg out towards at 90 degrees and left leg slightly in. Relax your shoulders and then extend arms out to both the sides with palms facing down. Again bend your right knee at 90 degrees while keeping your knee over ankle. Hold the pose for a minute.

4. Tree Pose

Image Source = “banyanbotanicals”

Tree pose improves the focus and makes you learn to breathe while standing and balancing the body. Start the pose with arms at side. Place your right foot on left upper thighs; next press your hands in prayer so that you can hold at the steady vision. Be in the position for a minute and then switch the sides. Just make sure that you don’t bend your body and lean anywhere while standing on one leg.

5. Triangle Pose

Image Source = “doyouyoga”

Triangle Pose is also another effective yoga pose for beginners that allows you to stretch of the waist and also strengthens the legs and tones the body. To start with the pose, stand tall on a flat surface with legs at some distance. Extend arms outer sides and then slightly bend over your left leg.

Turn left leg out at 90 degrees and right foot towards 45 degrees. Now, allow your left hand to touch the ground or if not possible allow it to rest on the left leg, extend the fingertips of your hand towards the ceiling. Hold the position for a minute and then switch the sides.


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