Categories: Poses

5 Effective Yoga Poses for Mountain Climbers

Climbing and Yoga balances each other very well, what you all need is strong core and better control of your movements to climb higher. A mountain climber is an exercise that is beneficial for burning calories and building stamina. The major actions involved in mountain climbing are plank position while keeping the knees flexible to the core.

So, here is a quick compilation of the yoga poses to strengthen the muscles to help you in climbing.

1. Dolphin Plank Pose

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It is a modified position that allows you to build your back more muscular and provide strength. To begin with the pose, start lying on stomach and forearms resting on the ground. Now, push your lower body off the ground in a way that only your toes and forearms touch the ground. While doing this keep your muscles engaged and make sure that your spine does not curve. Be in the position for a while and feel the burn.

2. Cat-Cow Yoga Pose

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Cat-Cow Yoga Pose is another effective yoga pose for mountain climbers that help in making their body flexible and strong. To begin with, the pose starts with a table-top pose. Inhale and arch your spine towards the ceiling in a cat pose and feel the stretch in your spine. Exhale and curve your spine downward into a cow pose. Hold the position for a minute.

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3. Chair Pose

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Chair pose teaches you to balance while breathing. To begin with, the asana, come in the mountain pose and raise

your arms over your head. Next, sink down into your base while making a 45 degree with the floor. Now, shift forward onto your toes and slowly raise your heels off the ground. This yoga pose is the best training for mountain climbers as it tones the calf strength and also works on balance.

4. Downward Dog Pose

Image Source = “ibw”

It gives you a stretch throughout the back body. To start with the pose, come in the tabletop position, and roll back onto the balls of your feet. Next, push your hips up and back and slowly straighten your legs. Make sure that you form a V shape, and keep your knees and hands straight. Stay in the position for a while.

5. Warrior I Pose

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Warrior I Pose stretches your hamstrings and quadriceps. It also prevents injuries and improves stability while moving. Reach your right leg back and bend your left knee over the left ankle. Next, put your right leg at 45 degrees, left ankle, and foot at 90 degrees. Now, slowly draw your left hip back and align your left thigh parallel to the ground. Lift your upper back slightly while allowing your arms above head. Look forward in a neutral position and repeat the posture with another leg.

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