Categories: Poses

5 Effective Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Seasonal Allergies

It’s actually the allergy season, the season when many of us suffer from watery eyes, itching, coughing, and sneezing. It is the time when you have to get strong against the bacteria and viruses that enter your body and cause allergies. Surprisingly, yoga can help you out in getting rid of the seasonal allergies.

Allergies are literally annoying; they affect your sleep, productivity and reduce concentration putting you up in the worst mood. While you think that spring is referred to as allergy season, there are certain times when these allergies occur: summer, early fall, and spring. The symptoms of allergies are really taunting. So, here is a guide detailing about the yoga poses to be done to stay away from seasonal allergies.

1. Wind Relieving Pose

Image Source = “worldpeaceyogaschool”

Wind-relieving pose or pawanmuktasana relives your digestive gases. It also improves mental clarity and releases toxins from the body. It is recommended to practice this yoga asana empty stomach. To begin the pose, lie back on a smooth surface in a way that your feet are kept together and arms are kept beside your body. Next, bring your knees towards your chest and press thighs on your abdomen. Inhale and tighten the grip of hands, exhale and come back in the position after you remain in the pose for 4-5 minutes.

2. Tree Pose

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Tree pose or Vrikshasana is the easiest yoga pose that helps in getting relief from seasonal allergies. It also helps in building the self-esteem and confidence. In addition, it also calms your nervous system and balances your life. Start the pose by standing straight on a flat surface. Bend right/left knee and place the foot high up on the thigh (which is left on the surface). Inhale and raise your arms over your head bringing them together in praying position. Be in the pose for 5-6 breaths and release.

3. Shoulder Stand Pose

Image Source = “satyaliveyoga”

Salamba Sarvangasana or shoulder stand pose calms your nerves. It reduces irritability and improves blood circulation in the body. To begin with the pose, lie down on the surface on your back, slowly lift both your legs towards the ceiling, you can use hands to support your hips and back. As you settle down in the pose, make sure that your elbows are close to each other. Point your toes out and be in the pose for a minute. To come back in the position, lower your knees, lie flat and relax.

4. Warrior I Pose

Image Source = “popsugar-assets”

Warrior I Pose is another yoga pose that works effectively in preventing seasonal allergies. It helps lungs to open and drain mucus out of lungs. To start with the pose, stand with your feet together on the flat surface. Next, step your left foot forward and bend your left knee in a way that it comes parallel to the floor. As you bend on your left knee raise your arms above your head, and palms facing each other. Be in this yoga pose 5-6 breaths. Repeat the pose for another side.

5. Half Moon Pose

Image Source = “agoramedia”

Half Moon Pose or Ardha Chakrasana stretches thorax, groin, and shoulders. To begin the pose start with the trikonasana on the surface. Next, keep your left hand on the left hip. Bend your right knee and keep your foot slightly forward along the floor. Exhale and try reaching to the floor with the right hand, next straighten your right leg. Lift the left leg off the floor, just make sure that it is parallel to the floor. Place your head in normal position as you look forward. Also, make sure that the left leg balances well your body weight. Be in the pose for a minute.


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