Categories: Poses

5 Effective Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Throat Infection

What first thing comes to your mind when you suffer from throat infection? Consult a doctor or having a medicine to get rid of annoying throat infections. But do you know that yoga can easily cure the throat infections? Slight changes in weather end up having cold and throat, the common practice is to take medicines, but here are some yoga poses that can better guide you in preventing throat and cold infections.

1. Uttanasana

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Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana enhances the blood circulation; it also relieves stress and tension. To begin the pose, stand straight on the yoga mat or on a flat surface with feet slightly apart. Next, stretch your hands above the head and slightly bend forward reaching your knee. Try to touch the ground without bending your knees. Your feet should adjust parallel to each other. Feel stretch and be in the position for a minute.

2. Camel Pose

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Camel Pose or Ustrasana clears out all the passages. It unblocks the area that causes cold. To start with the pose, kneel down on the mat by placing your hands on hips. Make sure that your shoulders and knee lie on the same line. Inhale and slowly draw your tailbone towards your pubis. Arch your back and gently keeps your palms over the feet. Hold the position for a minute and then release the pose.

3. Halasana

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Plow asana or halasana eliminates the pathogens and improves immunity, i.e. it helps in getting rid of a cold. To start with the pose, lie down flat on your back while keeping your arms near side your body and palms facing downwards. Inhale and slowly lift your legs above the surface at 90 degrees.

You can use your hands to support your hips to pull them off the floor. Next, bring your legs at 100 degrees by keeping them beyond your head. Be in the position for a minute, to come back in the position, exhale and slowly bring down your legs in the original posture.

4. Shavasana

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Shavasana as the name implies it is a deep resting pose. This yoga asana helps fighting it better against the viruses causing cold. This is the easiest yoga pose, to start with corpse posture, lie down flat on the yoga mat, make sure that you comfortable lying on flat surface without having pillows or cushions under your head.

Slowly close your eyes, and relax. Remember to keep your arms slightly apart with palms facing upwards. Take deep breaths and forget all about other tasks. Be in the pose for at least 15 minutes.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Image Source = “aikido-mariel”

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog is an effective yoga pose that helps in proper circulation and allows a free flow of blood cells. In addition, it also helps draining out the sinuses. To begin the pose, stand on four limbs in a way that it makes a table like structure. Slowly lift your hip portion and straighten your knees and elbows. Just make sure that your body forms a V like structure. Press your hands into the ground and stretch your neck. Be in the pose for few seconds and slowly bend your knee and come back to the initial position.

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