Categories: Poses

9 Ultimate Power Yoga Poses You Should Definitely Try

Power Yoga is a composite term used for several intense workout poses that best describes the vigorous fitness-based exercising routine defining the Vinyasa practice, closely modelled on Ashtanga method.

Power Yoga is a unique practice that helps in synchronizing the breathing and body movements. This strengthens the body, increases the stamina and imparts flexibility to the body. It was originally developed by Beryl Bender Birch but nowadays it is collectively used for various intense workouts that depict Vinyasa style yogas.

In Power Yoga, you tend to generate heat in the body while carrying out dynamic breathing based movements and poses in rapid succession at a steady rate. It is a full body intense workout which is exhausting but meditative. It leaves you fresh and energetic all day long.

Here are 9 Power Yoga poses that are simple, safe and easy and are a must to try in order to maintain a healthier you.

1. Child’s Pose (Bala Asana)

Image Source = “theayurveda”

Starting with the Child’s Pose is the best way to ground yourself and set your goals for the intense workout ahead. The first and foremost step is to remove distractions and calm your mind as you begin with this pose. You need to hold this for 5 breaths of complete in and out.

2. Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

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Adho Mukha Svanasana helps to relax the muscles as it involves complete stretching of the hands, legs, calves and hamstrings. During the stretching of muscles, endorphins are released that helps to relax the body and soothes the mind. It is advised to hold the pose until 5-6 breathes.

3. Ragdoll Pose(Uttanasana)


Image Source = “yogajournal”

It is a basic standing forward bend pose and a variation to Uttanasana that stretches the hamstrings, legs, spine and the lower back. This intense stretch is highly recommended for the individuals who are suffering from back ache. It should be held for 5-6 breaths as this is beneficial in relieving tension from the lower back.

4. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

Image Source = “yogajournal”

This stretches your hamstrings and opens up your hips. This majorly affects the legs, spine and buttocks. As its name depicts, it helps form balance and brings coordination. It is recommended to hold the posture for about 15-30 seconds for best results.

5. Boat Pose (Naukasana)

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Naukasana is the pose that tones up the body and is especially beneficial for the patients of hernia. This helps in shedding extra fat from the body. Abdomen is majorly affected which improves the digestion when the asana is done on regular basis. It is advised to keep up the posture for 10-60 seconds.

6. Plank or Four-Limbed Plank Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)

Image Source = “yogaperception”

Chaturanga means “Four Limbed”. Although the asana is similar to that of a plank, it requires the support of four limbs. It invigorates the mind and body, increases the stamina as extreme stretching of legs, hands, arms and wrists is involved. It also imparts stability. You must hold the pose for at least 30-60 seconds to enjoy the benefits.

7. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Image Source = “runsynergistic”

While doing this Utkatasana, it seems like you are sitting on an imaginary chair. It stimulates your heart as stretching of chest and hands is involved. It majorly affects the joints such as ankles, knees and the back. It helps to tone down the knee muscles and increases perseverance. You are advised to hold the posture for 30-60 seconds.

8. Leg Lifts (Dwi Pada Uttanpadasana)

Image Source = “yogagps”

This asana mainly focuses on abdomen, lower back and legs. It helps in relieving tension from lower back, strengthens the pelvic muscles and uterus. It is especially beneficial for women. You are advised to do 12 reps at a time for best results.

9. Reclined Spinal Twist (Jathara Parivartanasana)


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Reclined Spinal Twist is the best way to stimulate the body’s natural detoxification process. This pose mainly concentrates on abdomen and helps massage the abdominal organs, encouraging fresh flow of blood. The pose is a great way to relax and energize as well. It is advised to hold the pose for a few seconds.

So these are some of the yoga poses that can be done easily without much hassle to tone your body. Maintain your body and get the best version of yourself.

So what are you waiting for? Pull up your socks and get ready for an intense workout through power yoga.


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