Categories: Poses

Boost the strength of Body and Mind with Basic Yoga Poses

The exercise of Yoga is useful for calming down both your body and your brain. It takes willpower and determination to complete each of the Basic Yoga Poses and to follow it daily. But the reward for your determination is worth it. The practice of these Poses or Yoga Asana can develop your health; boost your resistance, and improve your mental awareness.

Some of the basic yoga poses are here to boost strength of your body:

Ardha chakrsana (half wheel posture)

It is one of the best basic yoga poses. It looks like half wheel in ending position, That is why it is known as Ardha chakras or said an half wheel posture.


  1. Good posture for padahastasan.
  2. It’s a good pose to keep up the flexibility of the spine.
  3. It’s helpful in enhancing the capacity of your lungs.
  4. People who can’t do full wheel pose or Chakrasana can obtain the similar benefit of that pose by practicing this pose.

Trikonasana(Triangle Posture)

The absolute position of this pose resembles triangle in shape, so it is named Trikonasa or triangular stretch posture.


  1. The spinal nerves recovered by this pose.
  2. This pose loosens up the joints and muscles of the entire body and thus helpful in keeping your complete body refreshed.
  3. This yoga posture increases the blood circulation of the entire body, so it’s very useful for the people who have long sitting job.
  4. Helpful to decrease the fat from the hip section.


‘Veera bhadra’ is one of the Gana (can known as Soldier) of God Shiva. This posture is devoted to him, so this pose is described as Veerabhadrasana. This posture is also termed as Warrior pose.


  1. This yoga pose is best to enlarge the chest.
  2. Veerabhadrasana eliminates the hardness of the shoulders and back.
  3. Builds thighs and shoulders strong.
  4. One of the great poses to decrease fat from the thighs.
  5. Daily practice of veerabhadrasana boosts the concentration of the follower.


You can do other Basic Yoga Poses instead of this pose because people who are suffering from arthritis or any kind of knee injury should avoid doing this pose.


The position of this pose appears like Camel, so it’s named camel pose or Ustrasana.


  1. Ustrasana is a practically easy asana that provides a fantastic stretch to the abdomen, thighs, ribcage and throat.
  2. People who are suffering from neck pain, backache, and general severity of the spine will get comfort by practicing this pose daily.
  3. Extremely useful to normalize the creation of Thyroids, some researches revealed, by regular practice of this pose, one can stop aging procedure at some extent.
  4. This asana is useful for the people who are suffering from respiratory disorders such as asthma.


The people with harsh back illness like lumbago and with increased thyroids should not try the pose of ustrasana without expert’s assistance.

Pavana Muktasana

In Sanskrit language ‘Pawan’ means wind, ‘Mukta’ means free. This pose is very helpful to removing air from the intestines and stomach. So this yoga posture named as “Pawan muktasana”.


  1. This position is mainly helpful in removing constipation and flatulence.
  2. This is one of the Basic Yoga Poses that tone up the spinal nerves and back muscles.
  3. It’s extremely valuable to overcome from low back soreness.
  4. Pawan muktasana is also useful to overcome from abdominal illness, related with malfunctioning of inefficient organs.


‘Purva’ shows the front part of the body and ‘Uttana’ means rising. So the front part of the body is rising in the absolute position of this yoga pose, it’s termed as “Purvottanasana”.


  1. This one is the best pose of Basic Yoga Poses that boosts the strength and resistance of wrist and shoulders.
  2. Providing good exercise to the shoulder joints.
  3. Very fine position for all forward twisting postures.
  4. Builds the thigh muscles tough or strong.

NOTE: If you are obese (over weight) or have any shoulder problems, lift your body just few inches and keep on just few seconds in absolute position.

Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

Garuda or eagle is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu. This pose looks like garuda (eagle) so it’s termed as Garudasana.


  1. This position useful to take physical and mental harmony.
  2. Use to overcome hydrocele.
  3. Very good pose to enhance concentration.

NOTE:Throughout the absolute position of posture try to keep your eyes in a straight line at a particular spot, it will useful to get balance in this pose.

Shalabhasana (Locust Posture)

‘Shalabha’ refers Locust, The final position of this pose mimic the tail of a locust, so this position known as shalabhasana or Locust posture.


  1. This pose has been found helpful for relieving sciatica and mild type of slipped disc.
  2. It influences the nervous system of parasympathetic and sympathetic of the body.
  3. All stomach organs massaged by the practice of this pose. So it is very helpful in improving the overall functioning of those organs.
  4. This pose is helpful to heal ailments below the spine.

Limitations: People with hernia problem, intestinal tuberculosis and peptic ulcer should avoid doing this posture. People who are suffering with slipped disc have to do carefully. Apart for this pose, there are many other Basic Yoga Poses that you can do in the problem of Harnia.

Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)

‘Ardha’ refers half, ‘hala’ refers plough, the absolute position of this pose looks like a half plough, so it’s known as Ardha halasana.


  1. This pose is very helpful to decrease weight.
  2. Daily practice of ardha halasana builds the abdominal muscles strong and provides good shape.
  3. It treats gas, constipation and digestion problems.
  4. Makes the intestine and abdominal organs stronger.

Uttana Padasana

In Sanskrit ‘Uttana’ refers rising, ‘pada’ refers foot. In the absolute position of this pose, both foots are rising; so it is called as Uttana padasana.


  1. Uttana padasana is good pose to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  2. Make stronger the intestines and builds them disease free, enhances the digestion power.
  3. Used to reduce obesity; offers good shape to the stomach.
  4. Good pose to get rid of from constipation.
  5. Good position to overcome from scoliosis.
  6. One of the best postures for sarvangasana.


  1. In the beginning, one can exercise with one by one leg.
  2. Keep your hands near to the head on starting days of practices.
  3. Keep the eyes open during the practice.


Lying flat on the floor with the face up words, in the style of a dead body is called Shavasana. It eliminates fatigue and enables the brain and entire body to relax.


  1. This pose is the excellent for relaxation when compared to other Basic Yoga Poses. It is very helpful in yogic management of high (BP) blood pressure, anxiety, peptic ulcer, Cancer and all emotional diseases.
  2. By normal sleeping, it the body that feel relaxed but in shavasan both body and mind are benefited and your feel incredibly relaxed.
  3. It is a good pose to overcome from insomnia and depression; it helps completely to remove all negative thoughts.
  4. This pose is useful to remove tiredness and boost the concentration.

NOTE: At the end of Yoga exercise it becomes crucial to practice the shavasana pose at least 5-10 minutes. After this pose you feel completely fresh and don’t feel tired. It’s the pose of relaxation. In the beginning days, you may feel sleepy but try to avoid sleeping; if you don’t sleep throughout shavasana you’ll get more relaxation.


Makara refers crocodile, relaxing on the ground facing downwards gradually same like crocodile, so it’s named “makarasana”.


  1. It is the relaxation pose; during the middle of this asana exercise, this is good for body relaxation.
  2. In this yoga position, heart does not function opposite the magnetic force, so heart also feels relaxed.
  3. This is the best yoga pose in comparison with other basic yoga poses to overcome from the problem of insomnia, high blood pressure and mental tension.

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