Categories: Poses

Learn How To Perform Shashankasana (Hare Pose Yoga) Asana & Explore Its Benefits

YOGA is the creative journey of self-establishment, a way of living that focuses toward a healthy mind & body, fulfillment, harmony of soul and well-being.

Yoga is an astonishing way of allowing your being to be at peace and achieve a strong and flexible body with glowing skin. Performing several posture or asana also gives you a sense of happiness and self-sufficiency. And in this article, we are going to explore one such yoga posture called “Shashankasana” that helps in uniting the body, mind and spirit.

Image Source = “boldsky”

The Shashankasana is an effective yoga asana. Basically, the name ‘Shashankasana’ belongs to the Sanskrit dictionary in which the meaning of “Shashank” is “Moon”. The word ‘Shashank’ is a combination of two words i.e. “Shash” & “Ank” in which “Shash” means “Hare” and the Ank means “Lap”. The pose has a similar appearance of sitting hare or rabbit and therefore it is known as the “Hare or Rabbit Pose”.

As the moon symbolizes peace and calm, this asana also emits soothing and tranquilizing vibrations and has a calming effect on an individual followed by many health benefits.

Step By Step Guide To Practice Shashankasana Or Hare Pose

  • To do this asana, you should first perform Vajrasana or the kneeling pose. Make sure your palms are placed on your thighs. Breath in and let your body relax.
  • Now lift both your hands above the head and your palms facing ahead.
  • After that, exhale slowly and gradually bend down. And then bring your hands in the forward direction. You have to do this until your hands and forehead touch the ground.
  • Let your forehead and hands rest on the ground. Hold this position for as long as you are comfortable. In that position, a relaxed breathing can be performed.
  • Now, exhale slowly and gradually come back to the starting position- the kneeling pose.
  • Repeat these steps depending on time and your comfort level.

Beginner’s Tips To Performing Shashankasana Or Hare Pose

Whether it is Shashankasana or any other asana, if you are a novice in yoga, then you must keep some vital precautions in mind including:

  • Practice hare pose only when you are comfortable doing the Half Headstand.
  • Always remember when you are coming out of the pose and getting back in your starting position, always end with a slow breathing action else it may lead to lightheadedness.

Do’s & Don’ts Of Hare Pose

  • Make sure you don’t raise the buttocks off the floor while taking your head down.
  • Perform this asana in an active and fresh mood. If in case you are feeling dizzy or have a backache or legs pain, then completely avoid this asana.
  • Also avoid this pose if you are suffering from slipped disc, high blood pressure or heart-related problems.

Benefits Of Practicing Shashankasana

Doing Shashankasana enhances the concentration power because while performing this asana, the brain and the sense organs in the head get a good supply of blood.

  • The spine and back become flexible and strong by performing this asana.
  • The pose relaxes your leg muscles in an amazing way and allows it to relax and also strengthens the kidneys.
  • It improves the functionality of pituitary, pineal, thyroid and parathyroid glands.
  • Practicing Shashankasana will help in treating disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The hare pose helps in reducing excess fat in the abdominal area and waist.
  • This asana is known as the best remedy for diabetes and constipation.
  • It makes your mind and soul calm and relaxed.
  • It also increases the memory power, if practiced regularly.

Advanced Variation of Shashankasana Or Hare Pose

  • For performing the advanced variation, you should first perform Vajrasana. Also make sure that your palms are placed on your knees.
  • Focus on your posture and keep your neck and spinal cord straight.
  • After that, shut your eyes and then bend your body ahead as much as possible till your head touches the ground.
  • Simultaneously, take your hands and pull them behind the back. Hold the right wrist with the left hand. Breath-out while bending down.
  • Hold this position for as long as you can. Keep your breathing normal.
  • Now, slowly come back to the starting position.

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