Categories: Poses

4 Best Yoga Poses to Treat Cardiac Diseases

The truth is that there is no certain age defined that can determine the heart ailments. There are some who have suffered heart problems in their early 20’s while there are some who have faced it when they become 80 years old. So, how can you avoid these common heart ailments and diseases? The solution is to take a healthy and natural alternative to treat cardiac diseases. Here are some best yoga postures, to avoid heart problems.

1. Big Toe Pose

Image Source = “yogamagazine”

Big Toe pose or Padangusthasana strengthens the hamstrings and calves. It also relieves stress and mild depression. To begin with the pose, stand tall with feet apart. Inhale and when you exhale fold your body downwards to grab your big toes. Draw the belly in and allow the head to relax down. If flexible enough, draw your torso towards the legs. Be in the pose for 5-10 breath cycles.

2. Head to Knee Forward Bend

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Head to Knee Forward Bend pose or Janu Sirsasana stretches the shoulders and groin. It reduces anxiety, controls blood pressure and alleviates insomnia.

To start with the pose, sit down on the surface with legs forward. From a seated position, bend the right knee outward at 90 degrees and press the right foot into the inner left thigh.

Now, grab the left foot and extend the torso over the straight leg. Fold forward from the groins. Next, pull left toe backward as much as you can through the heel, allowing the sit bones to press towards the surface. Be in the position for few minutes and then switch with another leg.

3. Tree Pose

Image Source “contentoro”

Tree pose is another great yoga posture to avoid cardiac disease. The yoga pose opens the heart, stretches vertebral column, thighs, and ankles.

To start with the pose, stand on the floor with feet apart. Brings your hands together and join like when you do in prayer position. Now stretch your hands upwards towards the ceiling. Bend your right knee, and place your right foot on the inner side of the left thigh. Look straight and relax. Hold the pose for a while.

4. Triangle Pose

Image Source = “livewellcollective”

Triangle pose promotes cardiovascular exercise. When performed regularly, this posture improves stamina and opens the heart. To begin the pose, stand straight with feet apart on the flat surface. Turn your right foot outwards at 90 degrees and left a foot in by 15 degrees.

Inhale deeply and when you exhale, bend your body towards the right keeping the waist straight and left hand up in the air while right hands down towards the floor.

Make sure that body should bend sideways and not forward or backward. Stretch maximum and one in the pose for a minute. Repeat the same with another leg too for better results.

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