Categories: Poses

5 Best Yoga Poses to Treat Nasal Congestion

Are you also annoyed of your stuffy nose? Nasal congestion is usually caused by infection, and due to invisible particles in the air. It is a common problem during the weather changes, the symptoms that nasal congestion includes are thick discharge from the nose, stuffy nose and sometimes the facial pain. Though painkillers and antibiotics are the treatment to get you relief from congestion, there are some yoga practices which also helps in preventing this weather disease.

1. Savasana

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There are a number of yoga postures to alleviate nasal congestion, Savasana is the best and the easiest pose that helps in giving the natural treatment especially if you like avoiding medication. To begin with, the pose lie down flat on the yoga mat like the corpse pose. You might find it difficult if suffering from severe nasal congestion, to make it easy you can use a bolster positioned lengthwise from head to lower portion. Just relax and take deep breaths. Be in the position for a minute or so.

2. Perform Breathing Exercise

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Breathing exercises open up the nostrils and make you able to breathe comfortably. Do breathing exercises to clear off the blockages that are affecting the throat regions. It not only improves nasal congestion but also improves brain functioning. Sit in padmasana and slowly inhale and exhale forcefully by contracting stomach muscles. Begin with 2 minutes and then extend it to 5-10 minutes.

3. Camel Pose

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Camel Pose or Ustrasana is another effective yoga posture to treat nasal congestion. It removes the stuffiness in the passage and also improves eyesight. To begin with, the pose, kneel down with your feet slightly apart.
Next, inhale and gently bend backward. Hold your heel and give a stretch to your body. Make sure that you keep your hips forward, stay in the pose for 30 seconds and slowly return to the original posture.

4. Bhastrika Pranayama

Image Source = “sarvyoga”

Bhastrika Pranayama is a great posture to get relieved of the nasal congestion. This posture also helps you in reducing belly fat and weight. To start with Bhastrika Pranayama, sit in padmasana. At first, inhale and exhale then start forceful inhalation and exhalation. At the end of rounds take a deep inhalation followed by retention of breath, then exhale slowly. Relax and start normal breathing again, again start the process.

5. Anulom Vilom Pranayama

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This breathing technique improves the congestion of the nasal passage. If practiced regularly improves the blood flow to the brain and also boosts immunity. To begin with the pose, sit down comfortably while keeping the left palm on your left knee. Next, close your right nostril with the right thumb, inhale through the left nostril and now use the right ring finger to close the left nostril and slowly exhale through right nostril again. Repeat the process for at least 10-15 cycles.

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