Categories: Poses

How to do Handstand for Beginners Yoga Practitioners

Do you also think that inversions are challenging? Sometimes scary, but this sequence when practiced can help you out in experiencing and learning different handstand yoga postures.

There are a lot many yoga asanas which are performed on the handstand, and for the beginners starting the poses direct with handstand sounds tough. So here’s a guide detailing about the steps how beginners can delve into the handstand postures like a pro.

A Guide to Practice Handstand

To do the handstand like a pro, start practicing the postures by forming L while standing at the wall. Making L initially forces you to use right muscles and supports body directly with the shoulders. To form L shape come on to all fours with the help of your heel at the wall, just make sure that you keep your shoulders over your wrists and slightly lift your body in a dog pose.

Image Source = “doyouyoga”

Next, bring only one leg up at a time, so that you can balance your body well. Slowly, lift your other leg in the support of the wall. Press the wall through feet, lift your shoulders up and engage your abdominals. Work on holding the L posture for at least 2-3 minutes, until you can balance well the handstand.

Image Source = “doyouyoga”

Now, turn around the wall and place your hands nearly 5-7 inches from the wall. Slowly lift your one leg up to form a downward facing dog pose. Keep on practicing the kicks-up by hopping on one foot with the extended leg. These kicks will help you feel light and allow you to manage the body weight over your hands. Do these kicks with both of your legs, it only allows you to increase metabolism and boost your muscles.

Image Source = “doyouyoga”

Now you are all ready to do the handstand, just make sure when you perform a handstand your hips are forward enough to the wall, that it doesn’t stay hanging back. Initially, you will require some energy, but after practice, you will level it like a pro. Lift your leg towards the ceiling, slightly shift away from the wall and balance it.

Improve your balance by taking one foot off the wall and see if other can balance your body or not. Just for the ease, ask your teacher to hold your legs for a while.


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