Categories: Poses

5 Best Yoga Poses for Athletes

There are a number of different yoga poses that help the athletes to perform better on the field. Dedication, years of practice and determination has made the professional athletes excel in their career.

Athletes are the most physically and stressful profession where the fraction of seconds makes a huge difference. If you are also going to be athlete start practicing yoga and exercises to outshine in the field.

1. Backbends

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Backbends stretch shoulder muscles and strengthen the back. To start backbend lie face down with your hands near the sides with palms facing up. Lift your lower portion and bring your heels much close to buttocks, then reach back with hands and join the ankles. Keep your tailbone pressed into the floor and keep your muscles relaxed. Be in the pose for 30-40 seconds.

2. Cobra Pose

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Cobra Pose lets you maintain a healthy spine and prevent injuries. It also allows the athletes to release any jerk in the spine. To begin with the pose, lie on your belly on the yoga mat or on a flat surface, place your hands on the floor beneath the shoulders and spread your fingers.

Inhale, and try pushing your hands to straighten the arms and lift your chest off the ground slowly. Focus on opening the chest and hold the pose for nearly 30 seconds.

3. Hindu Squats

Image Source = “ytimg”

Hindu Squats improves the foot health, strength and improves the strength of ankles and knees. To begin the pose, stand with your feet shoulder at width apart; join your hands together in front. Slowly bend your knees and hips to lower in squat, try getting lower down until your buttock touches the ankles and your elbows come in front of your knees. Repeat this yoga asana for 5-10 times.

4. Reclining Big Toe Pose

Image Source = “yogaclassplan”

It targets the hips, hamstrings, and calves at the same time. It is the best effective yoga pose for athletes to strengthen the knee. To begin the pose, lie on your back with legs in front of you. Bend your right knee and with the help of arms pull your thigh to the chest. Now, hold your big toe and strengthen your knee to extend upward. Press your shoulders firmly and upward through your left heel. Repeat the pose with another leg too.

5. Triangle Pose

Image Source = “doyouyoga”

Practicing triangle pose benefits the athletes in lengthening the side body, it helps athletes whose sports are baseball, tennis and golf. To start with the pose, stand tall on a flat surface, take a step back with right foot at 90 degrees and keep your left foot forward, align your heel with the arch of the back foot.

Tilt your arms in a way that your arms raise perpendicular to the floor, rest your left hand on the left shin. Hold the pose for a minute and then switch sides.

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