Categories: Poses

5 Easy Yoga Postures To Get Rid Off Diabetics Type 2

Diabetes is really a complex condition that imbalances the involving of regulation and utilization of sugar in the body. It is considered as an epidemic disease that can be prevented through exercise, yoga and through a healthy diet. Doing yoga for any of the health problems is not harmful; instead, it does a great job in keeping the body fit and fine. Usually, there are two types of diabetes, to be found in human. Diabetes type I decrease the formation of insulin and eventually stop it and Diabetes type II increase the level of sugar in the body. If you are also suffering from the diabetes type II, here are some yoga postures that could help you get it relieved.

1. Surya Namaskar

Image Source = “freedomtek”

As this yoga posture – Surya Namaskar involves the movement of the whole body, it helps blood to circulate equally and in the better way. Not only this, it also improves the functioning of other body organs and also improves insulin sensitivity. Do 4-5 rounds of Surya Namaskar for better results.

2. Mayur Asana

Image Source = “yogaasan”

Mayur Asana is another great yoga posture that controls blood sugar levels and also boosts the function of liver, kidneys, and pancreas. To begin with, Mayur Asana or Peacock pose, stand on a floor mat widen the gap between your knees and slowly bend down.

Next, put your hands on the floor with your fingers and stretch out you’re both the legs behind you with toes touching the floor.

Just make sure that your body weight is managed by hands, forehead, and toes and your body is parallel to the floor.
Be in the pose for 10-15 seconds and release it.

3. Dhanur Asana

Image Source = “workouttrends”

Dhanur Asana or called as Bow pose is an excellent yoga posture to control diabetes. The pose tones the vital organs and keeps a check on blood sugar level. To begin with, Dhanur asana, lie down on your stomach on a mat. Inhale and then fold your knees and hold the ankles with your hands, pull your chest off the ground and look straight ahead.

Stretch your body like a bow and be in the position for 20-25 seconds. Slowly exhale and release the pose.

4. Vriksha Asana

Image Source = “popsugar-assets”

Tree pose or Vriksha asana is the best yoga pose to control diabetes type II. It helps to regulate the secretion of insulin and keeps you free from diabetes. Stand on the flat surface with legs and hands together by your side. Lift your right foot and place it on the inner side of the left thigh, bring your palms just in front of the chest and hold them in the position of namaskar. Inhale and hold the same pose for 15-20 seconds, exhale and bring your hands down. Repeat the steps with another leg.

5. Forward Seated Bend

Image Source = “yogaclassplan”

Forward Seated Bend or Paschimottan Asana is a beneficial yoga practice for type II diabetes. The asana helps in filtering out the toxins and extra sugar content from the body. To begin with, forwarding seated pose, sit on a flat surface, straighten your back and keep your legs in front.

Hold your arms up in the air, bend your body forward as much as possible or till it allows you comfortably. Pull the toes toward your body and without bending knees try to touch the toes with your fingers. Be in the position with 30-40 seconds. Exhale and slowly come back to the normal position, repeat this yoga posture twice in one seating for better results.


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