Categories: Health

Advasana And Jyestikasana For Body Relaxation

Mental stress and fatigue is a normal issue in this fast paced lifestyle. And the only way to get rid of the stress and the fatigue is to relax the body and mind. With the help of Yoga one can relax and loosen their bodies. Mentioned below are two very effective Pranayama for relaxation. Practice these Pranayam regularly and you will see the positive results.

1. Advasana (The Reverse Corpse Pose)

How To Do Advasana

Lie down flat on your stomach. Stretch your arms and legs, so that they are parallel and touching the floor. Make sure that your face to touches the floor too. You wholoe body should be relaxed. You can do it as long as you are comfortable and are able to concentrate. The Asana is very helpful for people with slip disk.

2. Jyestikasana

How To Do Jyestikasana

Stretch your legs and lie down on your stomach. Lock your fingers and place it on the back of your head. Just like Shavasana relax your body and concentrate on your breathing. It will help you relax your body and mind.


People with problem in legs and thighs should consult a physician before doing these asanas and Hernia patients should avoid these asanas altogether.


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