Categories: Health

What Is The Astrological Impact Of Yoga On Your Body?

Yoga is a popular and widely practiced aesthetic discipline which allows complete control on one’s mind, body and soul. It is a combination of meditation, adoption of specific asanas and breathing exercises in order to unite oneself with the divine force with an objective of self-realization and enhanced well-being along with an eclectic blend of science and philosophy. Apart from this, yoga can also help you in mapping your destiny as practicing certain yoga postures and controlled breathing have some really beneficial astrological implications which can transform your weakness into strengths and also promotes self awakening alongwith healthier body.

You might have heard about the common practices undertaken to lessen the malefic effects of planets through karma, daan eating habits and by chanting mantras. But to your wonder, we are here with the astrological benefits that you can reap with yoga and pranayam.


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The malefics cause health problems such as heart diseases, dehydration, digestive problems. Also, low self esteem, lack of authority and reduced level of energy are the problems faced by an individual with a weakly placed sun. Apart from astrological remedies, Surya Namaskar can be performed to lessen the impact of weak sun on one’s life.


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The moon symbolizes the mind and emotions. Being afflicted can cause emotional turmoil, mental and psychological instability. So to overcome the malefic effects, one must stay in touch with nature and visit calm and sacred places. Anulom Vilom and Bhastrika should be practiced along with chanting of “OM”


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Mars symbolizes the muscles, blood and physical strength of an individual, weakly placed mars makes an individual lazy and high temperament which can be controlled by practicing Sheetalikaran Pranayam, Titali Asana, Mayurasana and Padmasana. This can give you an active personality along with the courage to face all the enemies and difficulties of life.


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Mercury is the planet of intelligence, logic and rationality. An individual with a weakly placed mercury relies on emotions and instinct which creates problems in decision making and seeing life’s depth with reason and logic. Om Chanting, Anulom Vilom and Bhastrika are best suited to strengthen this planet and live an informed and logical life.


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Jupiter represents “Guru” and it is the planet of wisdom, knowledge, learning, goodness and good luck. Its nature is kapha and relates to bodily fluids, pancreas, liver, fat and metabolism. A weakly placed jupiter can cause problems in these areas and can also create problems in spiritual expansion and marital life. One must practice Kapalbhati, Sarvang Asana and Agnisar Kriya and Surya Namaskar as they are very effective.


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Venus represents all the materialistic pleasures, reproductive organs, urinary tract and semen. A debilitated venus can cause problems in the areas of genital parts, sexual imbalance or dysfunction and irregular menstrual cycles. The yoga asanas recommended for the individuals affected by a weakly placed venus are Dhanurasana, Halasana, Moolbandh Asana and Janusir Asana.


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Saturn is the planet of discipline and sufferings. It represents the nerves in the human body. Due to its airy constitution, it can cause gastric problems, acidity and arthritis. So, one must avoid oily and heavy foods in order to avoid these problems and stay healthy. The yoga asanas that can be performed in case of malefic saturn are KapalBhati, Anulom-Vilom, Agnisar and Sheetalikaran and Bhramari pranayam is a must.


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Rahu represents unconscious desires, dissatisfactions, unresolved issues and fears. A malefic rahu creates problems due to anger, frustration and restlessness leading to indecisiveness and blurred vision in terms of thinking. However, this can be controlled by chanting “OM” and practicing Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari and Bhastrika pranayam.


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Ketu represents abdomen. It can give problems in the form of stomach pain, insects in the intestine, indigestion and impure blood. Since it is the planet of mystery and after-life experiences, it can also give rise to some mysterious disease of which root cause cannot be determined. Henceforth, the pranayam that can be practiced to lessen the negative impact of ketu include Anulom-Vilom, KapalBhati, Agnisar and Sirsasana.

Looking at the astrological implications of yoga and pranayam, it is highly recommended to practice and reap the benefits of healthy and happy life.

We hope this article proved helpful for you guys. Hope you enjoyed reading and we wish that you keep visiting us for such informative posts.

So do yoga and stay fit!


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