Categories: Poses

Big Toe Pose | Padangusthasana | How to Perform and it’s Benefits

Big Toe Pose or Padangusthasana is the easiest yoga postures that help in relieving stress, mild depression and helps in activating kidneys and liver. It is an intermediate yoga posture and stretches the back of your legs while improving your balance.

If you are having high blood pressure, or have pain in hamstrings or muscles practice big toe pose regularly for better results. Below is the guide explaining the steps and benefits of doing Padangusthasana.

Benefits of Doing Padangusthasana or Big Toe Pose

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1. Practicing Big Toe Pose helps in reducing diabetes.

2. It improves body flexibility, blood circulation, and concentration power.

3. The asana also relieves excess gas inside the body and strengthen the body and mind.

4. Besides this, it also reduces a headache and insomnia.

5. It makes thighs strong and activates the kidney and liver.

6. It also increases muscle density and burns extra fats in the body.

7. Padangusthasana rejuvenates the tired muscles and also controls nervousness.

Steps to Perform Big Toe Pose

Image Source = “woman2woman”

To start with the pose, stand upright with feet parallel to each other. Just make sure that your feet are resting at least 5-6 inches apart.

Keeping your legs start, bend forward and try touching your toes.

The first aim is touching your forehead to your knee, once you are comfortable grips your toes with fingers.

Next, press your toes into your hand, inhale, lift your torso and straighten your elbows.

Exhale and release the toe, start it again.

Do this cycle of inhalation and exhalation at least 5-6 times.

Come back to the initial position by releasing the hand.

Precautions to be Taken While Performing Big Toe Pose

Practice the pose under the guidance of yoga experts. While performing the asana if you feel any sudden pain, stop doing it. Do not perform the asana if you have any neck or back injuries.

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