Categories: Poses

Bound Angle Pose | How to Perform | Its Benefits

Bound Angle Pose, Butterfly pose or Baddha Konasana is the best and the effective yoga posture that opens the groins and hips. It is a lovely hip opener posture and the ideal pose for the meditation. Many people today have thighs pain, have the problem in sitting on chairs or couches, have tight hips etc, Bound Angle Pose accomplish all the problems while making the hips flexible.

If you are also searching for the asanas to make you hip open and flexible, here are the benefits and steps to do butterfly pose.

Benefits of Doing Bound Angle Pose | Baddha Konasana

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When practiced regularly, bound angle pose improves blood circulation throughout the body and soothes menstrual discomfort.

It also stimulates the abdominal organs, ovaries, heart and prostate gland.

The yoga posture prepares the groins for meditative seated and other poses which require better flexibility in these areas.

It is also known to be beneficial for flat feet, infertility, asthma, and sciatica.

The yoga posture alleviates fatigue and reduces depression.

Steps to Perform Bound Angle Pose

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1. Sit in easy pose with your Sitz bones flat on the yoga mat or flat surface.

2. Next, draw your heels towards your pelvis while keeping the soles of feet together.

3. Keep pressing your heels as you expand your thighs horizontally towards left and right while releasing your knees very close to the floor.

4. Next, relax your groin, open your knees and watch as they begin to fall towards the mat.

5. Clasp your toes with first two fingers, press the outer edges of feet and also press them into the floor.

6. Sit straight, and hold the pose for at least 5- 6 minutes.

7. To release the pose, release the clasp from toes and slowly lift your knees and extend your legs forward on the floor in staff pose.


Avoid practicing bound angle pose if you have the knee injury or you find difficult opening your thighs. Never practice the pose outside your limit and without yoga trainer (if you are a beginner)

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