Categories: Poses

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) | Steps to Perform and its Benefits

Bow Pose is beneficial for the whole body. Though, the pose looks difficult at first glance, it has so many things to offer. Many of us spend long hours of days sitting on chairs with hunched shoulders, working at computers or looking at our phones. All these causes pain after a specific point of time, and make your body stiff. Named after the shape, Bow Pose or Dhanurasana improves posture and also strengthens every muscle in your body. Here’s a guide explaining the benefits and steps to perform Bow Pose.

Benefits of Performing Dhanurasana

Image Source = “artofliving”

It opens the shoulders. The pose is beneficial for those struggling with tight shoulders. It helps in reversing the hunchback position and opens the shoulders when practiced regularly.

Bow Pose is considered as the best exercise for those having breathing ailments like asthma and also increases the breathing capacity of lungs.

The yoga posture stretches the arms, leg muscles, shoulder and thus strengthens every body part.

It also relieves menstrual pains discomfort and constipation problems.

It gives a better flexibility to the back and also tones the arm and leg muscles.

Steps to Perform Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Image Source = “workouttrends”

1. To start with the pose, lie down on your stomach with feet slightly apart and almost parallel to your hips.

2. Place your arms along the sides of the body.

3. Now, slowly fold up your knees and hold your ankles with the help of your hands.

4. Inhale and lift your chest off the ground, pull your legs up and stretch it out. Make sure that you feel the stretch in your body.

5. Be in the pose for 10-15 seconds, or as long as you can

6. To come back in the position, bring your chest and legs back to the ground, release the ankles and relax.

7. Repeat the posture for few sets.

Avoid Bow Pose if

You are suffering from pain in lower back

Have recent abdominal surgery

Have high or low blood pressure

A woman should avoid practicing this posture if pregnant (even at early stages).


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