Categories: Poses

Fish Pose (Matsyasana) | Learn Easy Steps to Do it and Its Benefits

Just like the name, the fish yoga pose allows a body to float easily like that of fish. The combination of stretching and opening gives a quick relief to the entire body. According to Hindu Mythology, Matsya was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. The asana targets at being focused when you feel out of the balance. It is performed with the legs in Padmasana. For the beginners, the fish pose is beyond the capacity, so it can be done with legs straight, and knees bent on the floor.

Tips for Beginners

You can place a folded blanket under the back of your head (to avoid straining your neck).

If you find backbend too difficult, you can support your back with a thickly rolled blanket.

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How Matsyasana is Beneficial For You

It relieves the tension in neck and shoulders.

It tones the back and neck and encourages better breathing.

It stretches the intercostals muscles between the ribs and also gives a deep stretch to the chest.

A traditional word says that the fish pose is the destroyer of all diseases.

If practiced regularly fish pose gives throat and digestive organs a good massage.

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Step By Step Instructions to do Fish Pose

1. Lie on your back, with feet together and hands relaxing alongside your body.

2. Now, place your hands below your hips with palms facing down. Bring elbows closer as much as you can.

3. Inhale and lift the upper torso and head up away from the floor.

4. Just make sure that there should be a low amount of weight on your head to avoid strain.

5. Keeping the chest up, lower the head backward and try to touch the top of head to the floor.

6. Press the elbows firmly to the ground; place the weight on the elbow and not on the head.

7. Now lift your chest up from between the shoulder blades.

8. Press the legs to the floor, hold the pose or a minute or as long as you feel comfortable.

9. Take deep breaths in and out and relax in the posture.

10. To come back in the pose, lower the chest and head to the floor, brings the hands along the sides of the body and relax.

11. You can keep your knees bent or straighten your legs if you do latter make sure that you keep your thighs active.


Avoid doing pose if you are having high or low blood pressure, insomnia or serious lower back or neck injury.

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