Categories: Poses

How to do Fire Log Pose in Yoga | Know Its Benefits

Fire Log Pose or better known as Agnistambhasana or Square pose is a deep hip-opening posture. The pose is not normally known as Fire log instead it generates heat and make you feel intense around the hips and groins.

Remember while doing Fire log pose right breathing techniques are quite essential and also make sure that you improve your experience by keeping your thoughts open. The pose literally refers to the stacks of logs used for bonfires.

Easy Steps to do Fire Log Pose

1. To begin the pose, sit on the floor with legs extended and arms resting at your sides.

2. Next, bend your right knee and bring your right ankle to rest just above the left knee.

3. Now bend your left knee bringing your left ankle under the right knee.

4. If you are comfortable slide your right ankle little more to the left until the ankle rests on left knee.

5. Now work towards bringing your shins parallel to the edge of the mat while keeping your right shin placed above your left shin. Make sure that both shins are posing at 90-degree angles to thigh.

6. Press your groins towards the floor and sit straight.

7. Keep resting your fingertips on the floor or either side of your body.

8. Focus on your third eye i.e. the space between your eyebrows.

9. Be in the pose for a minute, release the pose by slowly extending both legs along the floor.

10. Repeat the fire Log posture with another leg on top.

Benefits of Doing Fire Log Pose (Double Pigeon Pose)

• The pose when practiced regularly opens and stretches the hips.

• It also stimulates the abdominal organs and ultimately helps in regulating digestion and metabolism.

• Sitting straight with spine calms the mind and relieves you from mental tension.

• Besides this, the pose also prepares the yoga practitioner for meditation and breathing exercises.


Avoid doing pose if you recently have injured with chronic knees or low back injury. The pose requires flexibility and self-awareness to do it correctly. Do not perform the pose without the guidance of a knowledgeable instructor.

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