Categories: Poses

Yoga for Strength: Get Powerful Results More than Six-Pack Abs

Yoga is not generally the first thing which comes to your mind while you think about strength training. When hit the weights is an effective way to build up, full-body strength including more than six-pack abs. Yoga utilizes both eccentric and isometric contractions to concurrently strengthen a muscle as it extends, making functional strength that helps you in daily activities such as lifting, bending over, sitting down, walking and standing up.

Yoga for Strength is just more than relaxation and stretching. Regular yoga practice involves a comprehensive system that strengthens both the body and mind. There are a few poses that can help you in accessing the deep reservoir of internal fortitude that everyone have.

If you integrate daily practice of these poses into your yoga practice you can feel a sturdy development of strength that will keep you healthy all through your life. Flexible and strong muscles make you feel younger and keeps your body and mind energetic and fit.

Yoga for Strength



Come to a seated posture. Close your eyes and concentrate on the breath, counting the breaths in and out to calm down the mind. Keep in this pose for at least a minute in silent quiet reflection. Every time the mind wanders stay relaxed and let it come back on its own. Stay self-possessed and free from judgment. Start and end the sequence with at least 1 complete minute in silent reflection on the breath to make a clam and stable mind.

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Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


Externally turn the shoulders, spreading the shoulder blades and flattening the arms. Force down into the hands to lift up. Put the chin under and look towards your navel. Keep your quadriceps and push down into the bases of your big toes. Pull your lower stomach in and try to pull the pelvic floor upward. Keep in this pose for 5 deep breaths.

Dolphin Plank Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


From Adho Mukha Svanasana or from your knees and hands, put your elbows directly under your shoulders and spread your shoulder blades. Push down into the floor from the shoulders as the elbows while maintaining the collarbones broad. Pull the lower ribs in and calm down the lower abs. Put the tailbone when lift the pelvic ground along the spinal axis. Keep the quadriceps and pull the legs towards each other. Stay in this pose for 5 breaths. Repeat it 3 times.

Qual Balancing Pose (Samanasana)

From your back, turn your body right side, loading that side of body directly on the top of your right arm. This posture examines your alignment and core control. This looks simple but is a powerful tutor of strength and will put-up all the core strength compulsory for a complete lifted Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana). Cautiously avoid any tendency to flex or arch the spine. Instead pull the torso into the central axis of the spine through firming the lower abs, putting the tailbone and hugging the lower ribs in. If you feel relaxed when stretch the left arm up and look toward the left fingers. Keep in this pose for 5 breaths. Repeat the same for left side.

Beginner Side Plank


Start from Adho Mukha Svanasana, swing your weight into your right hand. Take your right shoulder ahead to a little less than a hand’s distance behind the center of your palm. Heap your body to the side, aligning the central axis of your body. Carefully pass up any tendency to flex or arch the spine. Instead pull the torso in toward the spinal axis through firming the lower abs, putting the tailbone and hugging the lower ribs together. Soothe the shoulders and press firmly by the right arm. If you experience comfortable stretch the left arm and look forward the left fingers. Stay in this posture for 5 breaths. Repeat on the left side.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)


Chair Pose makes powerful strength in the legs through contracting the hip flexors, quadriceps, glutes and adductors. This Yoga for Strength pose also builds strength in the trunk by placing the rectus abdominus along the frontage body and erector spinal muscles along the back.

To enter this chair pose, standing with your feet together. On an inhalation, sit intensely back as if sitting in a chair and reach your arms upward to the sky. Feel your shins moving back as the weight moves away from the toes that will prevent undue strain on the knees.

Keep for 5 breaths then release and return to the standing pose.

Boat Pose (Navasana)


Boat pose aims at the rectus abdominus (six-pack muscles) of the core, while strengthening the quadriceps, hip flexors and erector spinal muscles of the back.

Start with boat pose from a seated posture. Lengthen your spine and rise through your sternum. Turn your knees, raise your feet off the ground and keep the thigh muscles to set the legs straight in facade of you. Reach the arms on and make the shoulders slightly away from the ears.

Keep this pose for 5-8 breaths.

Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)


It strengthens the lower limbs, involving the quadriceps and glutes and keeps the erector spinal muscles along the back. As a bonus, this pose helps to extend out the hip flexors of the back leg when the front leg contracts.

Start this pose with your feet together and take a large step back into a lunge. Ensure your front foot follows straight ahead and your knees support over your ankle. Position your hips squarely ahead and lift your arms above head. Draw your front ribs inner to engage the core.

Keep the pose for 5 breaths.

Yoga for Strength itself can be considered as a complete practice, if you approach it right. Only 60-90 minutes time in a week can give flexibility, strength, stress management and a good sweat all at the same time.


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