Categories: Health

How To Get Beautiful Eyebrows With Simple Facial Exercises

Wondering how you can give your face a lift and make your eyebrows look more beautiful the all-natural way? Here we’ll tell you just that. By practising some simple facial exercises, you can strengthen muscles and stimulate blood circulation around the eyes and eyebrow areas.

Here are some effective facial exercises to practise and get beautiful and attractive eyebrows.

Exercise 1

Image Source = “stylecraze”

The upper eye and brow lift exercise uses resistance in strengthening muscles around the eyebrow area. To start the exercise, you need to place the three middle fingers of both the hands beneath the eyebrows. Now, use those fingers for pushing your eyebrows up and outward. Hold this position keeping your eyes open. Contract the eyebrows downward as you provide resistance with fingertips. Before relaxing the eyebrows, count to 5 while holding the position for each repetition. Within a week, you will get to see a firmer, more youthful appearance along the eyebrow and upper eye areas.

Exercise 2

The closed-eye lift exercise is a facial exercise that works out the muscles around your eyes and brow. Begin by closing your eyes as tightly as possible and hold this position for a few seconds. Now, try lifting your eyes as high as possible, and keep the eyelids closed. Hold every repetition for a few seconds and do around 10-15 repetitions per session, thrice a day.

Exercise 3

Image Source = “stylecraze”

Brow raise is a simple exercise that can help in making the forehead firm and stimulating blood flow toward the face. Start the exercise by opening your eyes wide and make wrinkles in your forehead. Now make a frowning facial expression. Do around 15-20 repetitions per session, thrice a day.

Exercise 4

This exercise involves both the eyes to be open. Keeping your head straight, look in front. Keep your head firm and then look upward for few seconds. Do the same as you look downward. Repeat it 6 times and now look left and right, keeping your head firm.


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