Yogkala Blog

4 Effective Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Knees

Doing yoga can sometimes be tough with knee problems. When you are suffering from knee pain, folding it a little seems unappealing. The best gift thing that you can gift to knees is making...

5 Best Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Ankles

5 Best Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Ankles

Ankles sometimes don’t experience much movement, you actually don’t notice when they are not in the mood. Improving the ankles strength may not good as doing the workout for abs but it is equally...

4 Effective Yoga Postures to Reset your Heart and Health

4 Effective Yoga Postures to Reset your Heart and Health

If reports are to be believed nearly 600,000 people die every year due to heart diseases. High BP, improper cholesterol level and smoking are the main causes of heart diseases. Eating, living a healthy...

5 Effective Yoga Poses for Mountain Climbers

5 Effective Yoga Poses for Mountain Climbers

Climbing and Yoga balances each other very well, what you all need is strong core and better control of your movements to climb higher. A mountain climber is an exercise that is beneficial for...

Peaceful Warrior Yoga Pose | Benefits & Steps to Perform

Peaceful Warrior Yoga Pose | Benefits & Steps to Perform

Peaceful Warrior Yoga pose or Shanti Virabhadrasana is the variation of the series of warrior pose that strengthens your quadriceps, neck and allows a deep stretch in hips and groins. The peaceful warrior yoga...

Cobra Pose | Bhujangasana | How to Perform and its Benefits

Cobra Pose | Bhujangasana | How to Perform and its Benefits

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana is the best yoga posture in preparing the body for deeper backbends. When practiced regularly, it helps in reducing stress and fatigue, tones the shoulders and helps in relieving the...

5 Best Yoga Poses for Athletes

There are a number of different yoga poses that help the athletes to perform better on the field. Dedication, years of practice and determination has made the professional athletes excel in their career. Athletes...

5 Yoga Poses to Detoxify Your Body

5 Yoga Poses to Detoxify Your Body

There are a certain number of yoga poses that promote cleansing by activating the body’s natural detoxification process. In order to create a sequence for detoxing, it is essential to look at the boy...